Land tenure reform tops pastoralists' wishlist
From The North West Telegraph, Ben Leahy, 13 January 2016.
Pilbara and WA pastoralists hope land tenure reform will be among the State Government’s top priorities this year, according to a farming lobby body.
Pastoralists and Graziers Association of WA president Tony Seabrook compiled a wishlist of reforms and business initiatives land managers hope to see tackled this year and among the most urgent were land tenure reforms, he said.
'Since 2009 the State Government has had pastoral lease reforms, including improved tenure, diversification, and automatic rollover provisions on its agenda,' he said.
'To date, these reforms have not been presented to Parliament.'
In July the Government renewed all but two of WA’s 437 pastoral stations on long-term leases.
Other items on the wishlist include improved internet access and mobile communication in regional areas and native title reforms 'which will ensure fair and equitable negotiations … for all parties'.