Wooleen's "Red Dirt Girl" in the West Weekend magazine
This morning I sat down with a cuppa to read a fantastic story in the West Weekend magazine about Frances Pollock from Wooleen Station.
Pick up a copy of the West Weekend today, read the story online here - or watch the video below to hear from Frances and see a glimpse of Wooleen Station.
Frances Pollock is an enterprising young leader in Outback tourism, managing - along with her husband David - the quarter-of-a-million-acre Wooleen Station.
You might be familiar with Frances, David and Wooleen Station from their appearances on ABC's Australian Story in recent years. I’ve visited Wooleen several times and seen for my own eyes the work that the young couple have done restoring the station to health.
They have a powerful commitment to the rangelands, and their station business is a mix of landscape rehabilitation, tourism and some cattle grazing.
Their story epitomises the complexity of life in WA's Outback. Like many Outback people, Frances works incredibly hard to sustain and revive a place that, ultimately, is the responsibility of all Western Australians.
Read Frances's story in the West Weekend magazine in today's West Australian newspaper or online here.
Photography: Iain Gillespie/West Weekend magazine